Darnyelle Harmon - Case Study - Mogul Press


Darnyelle Harmon

Darnyelle Harmon believes in holistic success, meaning that an entrepreneur at the helm has a complete alignment of thought and purpose. Her business streamlines processes and gives tools to let systems operate at their maximum without needing 24/7 attention and effort.​

A Brief Background


Born to drug-addicted parents, Dr. Darnyelle had to start fighting gloom and despair right from the start, and the only solace came from her own beliefs and self-confidence. With the help of teachers and mentors, she could figure out the power of positivity. It is hard to break the generational cycle of limiting beliefs in a household like hers. She, however, did not succumb to the lack and chaos of her early life.

Instead, Dr. Darnyelle used her circumstances as a motivational force to constantly push herself to overcome the odds and shift her beliefs. From an early age, she learned how to navigate so that she wasn’t a victim of her circumstances. Her constant effort toward her goals with an unwavering self-belief paved the way to a multi-million-dollar business.

Before reaching the heights of success and becoming a multi-millionaire, she faced setbacks that could have stifled even the strongest minds. Darnyelle was not the one to stop, though. She had made a decision, and nothing had the power to stand the strength of her resolve. She built a business that helps entrepreneurs reach astounding heights of success by changing their core money-making and legacy-creation beliefs.

Darnyelle Harmon believes in holistic success with an entrepreneur at the helm who has a complete alignment of thought and purpose. Her business streamlines processes and gives tools to let systems operate at their maximum without needing 24/7 attention and effort. Her business transformation ideology propagates making millions with grace and ease, not hustling and grinding.

Darnyelle Harmon came to us because she wanted to boost her brand further and strengthen her social media credibility and authority. Darnyelle also wanted some contributor spots and to get interviewed on well-known TV shows.

How We Do It?

Our Process

Empowering Darnyelle's Digital Journey: Guided him towards amplified online influence through tailored strategies and impactful content.


We had an initial consultation call with Darnyelle Harmon, where we identified her goals and requirements. On the call, we discussed the PR strategy we would implement in the upcoming months.


Based on the needs of Darnyelle Harmon, we worked with her to build out a roadmap of publications, a timeline, and a trajectory for success that will best elevate the digital authority of her brand.


We sent her a questionnaire that we would leverage to craft her content. Then, we began the process of content creation and getting her featured on the agreed publications.

The Challenge

Darnyelle Harmon, a successful entrepreneur, wanted to boost her business and social media credibility and authority. We needed to craft a unique angle for Darnyelle’s story, help her get press features in significant publications to become a contributor on major websites and get her interviewed on famous TV shows.​

The Strategy


Featured On

Notable Publications
Featuring Darnyelle Harmon