How Long Does It Take To Write a Press Release? - Mogul Press
write a press release

How Long Does It Take To Write a Press Release?

In today’s rapidly evolving world of public relations, one question lingers in the minds of those tasked with writing press releases: How long does it take to write a press release? Follow this article to answer this question while discovering the multifaceted process of crafting an effective press release within the right time frame.

A press release, often called a news release, is a formal communication sent to the media with the primary objective of making a public announcement. Whether the organization is launching a new product, responding to new partnerships, or announcing noteworthy achievements, a well-crafted press release really makes a difference.

The main goal of the press release is to generate public attention and get noticed by crafting a compelling narrative that journalists are enthusiastically inclined to spotlight in their publication. Editorial coverage aims to shape public perception of an organization or figure in a favorable direction.

In a fast-paced world of digital communication, where every second counts, one burning question captures the attention of press release wordsmiths: How long does it take to write a press release? Follow this comprehensive article to explore various factors that influence the press release writing time while shedding light on the realistic time frames for different types of press releases.

Why a press release?

Many of us wonder why a press release is needed when all the information is readily available on websites and social media platforms. Below are some of the key advantages of crafting a press release:

Attracting media attention: Crafting a newsworthy press release can capture the media’s interest. However, being featured in trusted media outlets enhances the brand’s credibility and expands its reach to a new and diverse audience.

Improving SEO: A carefully crafted press release with relevant keywords and high-quality content can contribute significantly to SEO efforts and help generate valuable backlinks.

Shaping public perception of a business: Press releases are a great opportunity to maintain a consistent and positive brand image and ensure that the brand remains top-of-mind for consumers when they make purchasing decisions.

Types of press release

The format and tone of the press release should align with the news being conveyed and the audience it aims to reach. Below are the most frequent types of press releases:

General news announcement

This is the most common type of press release to draw attention to a company’s significant corporate news. Worthy news could be about a new partnership, successful funding rounds, corporate logo changes, or rebranding announcements. However, the format typically includes quotes from the company’s leadership and relevant stakeholders.


You can use this press release format when organizing an event like a conference, seminar, or product launch. You may also specify the target audience, the purpose of the event, the speaker, and instructions on how to attend.

Crisis management

The press release begins with acknowledging the brand’s crisis or controversial issues, followed by the company’s stance, action taken, and plans for resolution.

Mergers and acquisitions

The type of press release is used to announce mergers, acquisitions, and new partnerships, featuring comprehensive details about the organization and the benefits of collaboration.


This type highlights the specific achievements, initiatives, or contributions and positions the organization as an industry leader. It’s better to incorporate high-quality photographs and visuals, capturing the moments of recognition.

Steps for writing a press release quickly 

Follow these steps to craft an effective press release while ensuring the final draft is effective and impactful.

Do your research

Collect all the relevant data and supporting material, including facts, figures, quotes, and background information. Determine what message you want to convey and identify the specific actions you want your readers to take in response.

Find a newsworthy angle

The first and foremost step in order to write a press release is selecting an angle that truly resonates with the target audience. Every organization has its goals and objectives and the press release should seamlessly align with them.

It could be a promotion, unveiling a groundbreaking product, or any other company update. Whatever it is, the chosen angle should have a newsworthiness that captures the attention it deserves.

Write a compelling headline

Once you have established that your angle is newsworthy, crafting a concise and compelling headline is the next crucial step. An attention-grabbing headline is often the gateway to piquing the reader’s interest and making a significant first impression.

Craft an engaging opening paragraph

The opening paragraph is the second most important component to focus on after the headline. It’s the section where you address the basic “Wh-questions,” including who, when, where, what, why, and how, while swiftly and succinctly communicating the news value of the press release. The optimal length for this segment typically ranges between 3 to 5 sentences.

Develop the body content

The body of the press release, comprising all the background information, serves as the heart of the document. This section provides additional information, adds depth and context to the press release, and highlights the key points covered in the first paragraph. Moreover, consider incorporating quotes from relevant individuals to enhance the credibility and authenticity of your press release.

Add a boilerplate

Concluding with the boilerplate is the crucial element of the press release. The section overviews the company’s details, including its business idea, key accomplishments or milestones, website link, contact information, or performance commitments.

This is a valuable source for journalists and readers, ensuring the press release is informative, professional, and readily accessible to the target audience.

Overall, the press release aims for about 300-400 words, equivalent to one page of text.

How long does it take to write a press release?

The average time it takes to write a press release can vary significantly based on various factors. For seasoned PR professionals, crafting a press release can be relatively efficient, taking 3 to 4 hours for the initial draft. The process includes gathering information, outlining key points, and writing the content. However, for those with less experience, it might take several hours to days or even weeks to research, revise, and finalize a press release.

The key determinants of writing time include the complexity of the subject matter, research needs, the writer’s experience, and the review and editing process. Furthermore, straightforward announcements like product launches or company updates may take a few hours, while intricate topics may take several days to ensure accuracy and regulation compliance.

Factors influencing the press release writing time 

Writing a press release is not a one-size-fits-all scenario; the time it takes to write an effective press release can vary significantly based on several factors:

  • Complexity of the message
  • Writing skills and experience
  • Length and detail
  • Review and editing process
  • Collaboration with stakeholders

Complexity of the message

The complexity of the message plays a crucial role in determining the writing time of a press release. If the announcement is technical or involves intricate details, research and articulation may take more time. However, a press release can be drafted relatively swiftly with a straightforward message and minimal research.

Writing skills and experience

Experienced writers skilled in crafting press releases may work more efficiently than those with limited experience.

Length and detail

Longer press releases with extensive details, infographics, quotes, and background information may require more time than concise ones.

Review and editing process

Adhering to the style and formatting guidelines and meeting the meticulous editing processes can take extra time, especially if multiple revisions are needed.

Collaboration with stakeholders

Press releases often involve collaboration with stakeholders such as subject matter experts, company leaders, or marketing teams. Coordinating their inputs, approvals, and feedback can add time to the overall process.

Press release writing time frames

Following are realistic timeframes for writing different types of press releases, along with real-world examples and scenarios:

General news announcement2-4 hours   Announcing an internal promotion within the companyIn scenarios where the announcement is relatively straightforward, it would take 2-4 hours for a research, review, drafting, and editing process.  
Product launch4-6 hoursIntroducing a new product (e.g., Mobile App) to the market Plan for 4-6 hours to understand the product’s new features, benefits, and target audience, create engaging content, and accommodate necessary reviews. 
Event press release  4-8 hoursHosting a charity fundraiserWhen announcing an event such as fundraisers or conferences, it is recommended to set aside 4-8 hours for crafting a press release
Crisis Management press release   6-10 hoursResponding to a data breachCrisis management demands transparency, accountability, and accurate communication. Gather all essential information about the issue, the actions taken, and the measures in place to address it
Mergers and acquisitions 8-12 hoursAnnouncing a major acquisition and outlining its impactMergers and acquisitions have legal and financial intricacies that typically require a longer writing timeframe for explaining the company’s long-term goals, benefits, and changes that stakeholders can expect.

Editing time for a press release 

Think of a press release as a three-legged stool, with each leg representing a crucial process: research, writing, and editing. Given the importance of precision in press releases, editing often demands more time and attention to ensure the press release is clear, effective, and impactful. Here’s the general breakdown of the timeframes:

Editing and proofreading

After you have compiled a first draft, editing and proofreading the press release for clarity, grammar, and accuracy is essential. Editing and proofreading can take a few hours to ensure the press release is free from errors and incontinence.  

Review and approval

Press releases undergo revision and approval processes involving multiple stakeholders to address various concerns, including clarity of information, tone and style, compliance with branding guidelines, and legal or ethical concerns.

The duration of this step varies from a day to several days, depending on the organization.

Finalization and distribution

Once the press release is finalized, it is ready for distribution, whether via press release distribution service or posting it on the company’s website or social media. The distribution process is relatively quick and often can be executed within a few hours.

Response and follow-up

After the press release is published, follow-up activities may be needed, including communication, interviews, or handling queries from the media. The phase duration varies widely based on the type of press release and level of media.

Time-saving techniques for press release writing 

Drafting an effective press release can be a straightforward process if you follow some of the key steps listed below:

Effective planning:

Effective planning saves time during the press release writing process. Before you start writing, outline the key points and structures and shape the strategy behind the press release.

Are you looking to build brand awareness for the crowdfunding campaign? Do you want to increase your social media following?

Tailoring the press release to align with your goals, reach the right audience, and achieve the desired outcomes is important.

Concise and clear writing

Aim for a maximum of two pages while keeping it to one page can make it easier to digest. Write clearly and concisely, and avoid unnecessary words and jargon at all costs. Remember that journalists and readers appreciate concise, to-the-point information that gets straight to the heart of the news.

Use online tools

Use online tools and software that assist with grammar, spell-check, and style. Submitting a press release with improper language, punctuation errors, or poor prose can result in immediate rejection. On the other hand, well-composed, error-free, and polished press releases have a great chance of getting media coverage and achieving the desired outcomes.

Avoid overthinking

Don’t overthink or spend excessive time on minor details. Allocate a specific amount of time for each section. Trust your planning, write freely, and save edits for later.

Proofread thoroughly

After finishing the draft, take time to proofread thoroughly. Correct errors and redefine content as much as you can. If you are working in a team, share the draft and get feedback to make improvements faster.

Balancing speed and quality

While speed is essential, don’t sacrifice quality. A well-crafted press release is delivered promptly and reflects professionalism and credibility. When quality is at the forefront of press releases, it not only enhances the chances of media coverage but also strengthens the brand’s reputation.

Aim for balance that emphasizes quality while meeting necessary deadlines. Moreover, be aware that it’s better to delay press releases briefly to ensure quality than to rush and risk damaging your credibility.


A crucial aspect of public relations and marketing is crafting an effective press release. It’s the gateway to reaching a wider audience, grabbing the attention of journalists, and making your voice heard in a digital landscape. Moreover, Understanding the specific type of press release, whether a product launch, crisis management, or general news announcement, allows you to tailor your approach and allocate the appropriate time and resources.  

Throughout the article, we’ve explored the various factors that influence the average time it takes to write a press release, from the type of announcement to the review and editing process. While time is of the essence, quality should never be compromised. A well-crafted press release conveys the message effectively and upholds professionalism and credibility.

Following the steps outlined in this article and adhering to the best practices, you can master the art of timely and impactful press release writing.

Picture of Nabeel Ahmad

Nabeel Ahmad

Nabeel Ahmad is the Founder / CEO of Mogul Press. On this blog, he shares valuable insights regarding PR and marketing.